​A Nation can rise no higher than its woman!
Nutritional Links

The Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Beware of Starchy Foods and Sweets

​ What Is The Meaning of M.G.T. and G.C.C.?
This was the name given to the Training of women and girls in North America- how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook and, in general, how to act at home and abroad.
What is the meaning of Vanguard?
The Vanguard program helps to mode, motivate, cultivate, encourage, empower and train young sisters to become the women of God that Allah intends for them to become.
​The women in the Nation of Islam are among the best-educated and most accomplished women in modern society. They are doctors, lawyers, accountants, writers, teachers, mothers, and homemakers. They have equal rights with men and equal responsibilities as Women of God.
You’ll find the women in the Nation of Islam are some of the most fashionably-dressed women in civilization. They are modest, well-groomed, and beautiful. For more information about the MGT and how you can be apart of such a beautiful training and learning system, please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you, Queens.
 MGT Class (Women Only) Every Saturday
9:00am - 12:00pm
 1530 Martin Street Winston Salem, NC 27103
Email: muhammadmosque56@yahoo.com Tel: ​336-499-0436

Winston-Salem State University, a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, is a historically black university that today is a recognized regional institution offering baccalaureate and graduate programs to a diverse student population.

N.C. A&T still has award-winning faculty, intensive research programs and community-focused initiatives — but now our campus is more diverse, our curriculum includes nanoengineering and our idea of public service encompasses not only Greensboro, but the world.