Nine ministries to build a nation
These ministries are designed to cover the full scope of human needs and are central to the Commission for the Restructuring and Reorganization of the NOI, most referred to as the Atonement Commission. The ministries were drawn out of a conversation with Minister Farrakhan regarding the future of the N.O.I.
“There is failure in education, the justice system, health care. People know the solution will come from the divine source in their midst, the Nation of Islam founded by Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. They’re looking at you and me wondering when will we deliver the solutions. The urgency of national development of our people is upon us!”
Ministry of Agriculture
The mission of the Ministry of Agriculture is to develop a system of sustainable agriculture that would provide at least one meal per day for 40 million black people in America. This system should also produce the raw materials for clothing and housing as well. The establishment of this system includes provision for; the distribution of food from black farmers with Muhammad Farms as a hub for purchase and distribution and processing; establishment of the Muhammad Farm Brand name.

Ministry of Defense
The mission of the Ministry of Defense is to ensure the safety, security and survival of the individual members of the N.O.I., their homes and property as well as to defend the National interests of the N.O.I., as a whole through the enhancement of its military and intelligence assets, structures and institutions.

The Ministry of Health & Human Services
The Ministry of Health and Human Services is responsible for the health and well being of the members of the N.O.I., registered and
non-registered alike - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as individuals, families and communities. Health is defined as that state of being of the individual and his family and community that is the fulfillment of the ultimate perfection that is the intention of the

The Ministry of Justice
The Mission of the Ministry of Justice is to establish a reliable system of justice administration that protects the rights of the Believers in a way that is consistent with the principles of Islam and the Constitution of the N.O.I.

The Ministry of Science & Technology
The mission of the Ministry of Science and Technology is the continuous development of the technological resources of the N.O.I Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the solution of human problems, and is the source of the power and the dominion of man over the forces of nature for the purpose of evolving civilization and supporting the needs of people. The Ministry of Science and Technology will place initial emphasis on utilizing information technology initially to improve the overall efficiency of function at all levels of the N.O.I. through the use of encrypted mail. Use of web sites to deliver structured multi-media content including web-casts to the entire world. It will develop standard IT protocols and operating procedures and encourage technological training and education. The IT build-out will create the necessary infrastructure for the N.O.I. to function as a global virtual community in all areas, extending its real-time presence all around the world.

Ministry of Arts and Culture
The mission of the Ministry of Arts and Culture is the promotion of aesthetic, artistic and cultural expressions, especially those derived from the Qur’anic based culture of Islam; but also music, dance, drama, poetry, visual arts and sports. This includes the promotion of theater companies, music ensembles, choirs, creative writing, poetry recitations, talent shows, film production, video and audio recordings, presentations, competitions, and compilations along with an annual Festival of the Arts. A wholesome sports culture for athletic achievement should be encouraged.

The Ministry of Education
The mission of the Ministry of Education is to be responsible for the mental and moral development of the members of the Nation of Islam by means of formal instruction in a system of learning ranging from primary to advanced degrees under the direction of a National Board of Education. The educational system is known as the University of Islam and includes teachers, instructors and staff who shall teach and train students in the way of righteousness, decency and self-respect, with the goal of making a better nation of people.

Ministry of Information
The mission of the Ministry of Information is to oversee and develop the literature of the N.O.I. to better inform the public and membership of the history, policies, teachings and programs of the N.O.I. To collect and disseminate information via newspapers, radio, television, Internet, magazines and all other sources. To develop information systems and networks for secure internal and external communications. To initiate media program development and management; to publish books, pamphlets and magazines and set-up an office of media affairs and press secretary.

The Ministry of Trade and Commerce
The mission of the Ministry of Trade and Commerce is to expand business and commercial activity of the N.O.I. consistent with its aims and goals by realizing the economic potential inherent in the fulfillment of human needs. To translate the skills, talents and interests of the Believers into viable revenue streams through effective business planning and management that tends to decrease the percentage of operating funds derived purely from charity.

Spiritual Development
The mission of the N.O.I. as a whole and of each of its parts is the spiritual development of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in North America and our people throughout the world. The mission of the N.O.I. is the resurrection spiritually of a dead people and the entire focus and meaning of its work is to bring about this resurrection as quickly as possible. This is the purpose that gives meaning to all other activities engaged in and is the criterion by which we expect to be judged by Allah and His Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. As such, the spiritual dimension must be present in all and excluded from none.

Task Force Departments
Family Life Task Force
The mission of the task force for Family Life is to promote, enhance and assist in the building of and stabilization of the family unit within the N.O.I. in particular and the broader community in general.
Emergency Management Task Force
The mission of the Task Force for Emergency Preparedness is to ensure that our people and communities are well prepared physically, mentally and spiritually in times of disaster and peace, through the promotion of education and preparation in crisis management planning, and to provide clear and concise modes of action to reduce loss of life and property.
The Mosque/Study Group Affairs Task Force
The mission of the Mosque Affairs Task Force is to produce the ideal mosque as a prototype of the Kingdom of God, as a center for individual and community development in all spheres of life, a place of repair in which the spirit of life is inhaled in an atmosphere of peace, harmony, freedom, justice and equality.
Financial Management Task Force
The mission of the Financial Management Task Force is to institute modern integrated automated financial management and accounting practices within the N.O.I. at all levels that will ensure greater financial accountability and transparency to the citizens of the N.O.I. This will introduce greater efficiency and cost savings in the operations of the N.O.I. and will reduce the possibility of financial mismanagement and loss. This is to be accomplished by the development and dissemination of internal financial communications in a systematic and technologically advanced manner. In addition, decentralization of operations into divisions is to be accomplished along with staff training.
Youth Task Force
The mission of the task force for Youth is to initiate programs for young people of all ages that will instill in them the core values to be derived from the teachings of the NOI and foster character development that will produce a future generation capable of fulfillment of the mission of the N.O.I. This is to be accomplished by means of religious study, social and cultural activities, academic and career development activities and involvement in community work.
Housing & Community Development Task Force
The mission of the Task Force for Housing and Community Development is to provide for decent, safe, and sanitary housing with moral advancement and family unification as an instrument of protection for the stability of the community. Also, to advance the economic development of the community using the blueprint in “The Message to the Blackman,” and the metaphor recipe titled ‘Chicken Soup for the Community Soul.’
Research, Planning, and Development Task Force
The purpose and mission of the Task Force for Research, Planning, and Development is to provide an apparatus to facilitate the planning of task force activities along with the broader restructuring and specification activities of the N.O.I. operations. This will be facilitated by linking identified goals and objectives with a technical process that results in a clear nexus between achievement and operational dynamics. Additionally, we will explore options and perform the function of discovery on topics resulting in an improvement in restructuring operation with the ultimate aim being the further development of the N.O.I.
Foreign Affairs Task Force
The mission of the task force for Foreign Affairs is to establish additional foreign missions that will foster the delivery of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to a world-wide audience, encourage economic development projects; foster humanitarian projects, and assist in the repatriation of our people to the African continent.